Episode List
QUICK LINKAGE: 1-100 / 101 – 200 / 201 – Present
Episode 1
My first episode and the “guest” was my friend Martin who I was basically experimenting on by slowly subjecting him to Godzilla movies.
Episode 2
Second episode & still rough around the edges. Another guest was my gf at the time & she was another non-fan interview.
Episode 3
Jeff Dean of Horror Holocaust Radio pt 1: Jeff’s show was primarily the impetus for me starting the Kaijucast. He’s a fan of the movies and we talked for so long that I had to break it up into two episodes.
Episode 4
Part 2 with Jeff Dean of Horror Holocaust Radio pt 2
Episode 5
Cindy Okumoto formerly of the “Planet X” comic shop, now works for Things From Another World. She’s got some great stories about Art Adams.
Episode 6
My guest is another friend of mine Sean Donahue, who is a pedigreed horror fixture here in Portland and just happens to be a huge Godzilla fan.
Episode 7
The “G-FEST episode”! I spoke with legendary Kenji Sahara, JD Lees, Robert Scott Field and many people at the convention.
Episode 8
Model Master Jim Walsh visits Portland and we talk a LOT about model building and sculpting.
Episode 9
Martin (aka my first guest ever) comes back to talk about Godzilla with me. I seem to remember that he interviewed me because that was my birthday month.
Episode 10
Yokai! It’s my Halloween episode and Jeff Dean of Horror Holocaust returns to talk about this largely ignored series from Daiei.
Episode 11
Bob Johnson joins me through the magic of the internet to talk about Ultraman for a while.
Episode 12
My xmas present to the listeners: an all music episode.
Episode 13
My son, T’Igor joins me to talk a little bit about his favorite Godzilla things. Also, this heralds the first ever Daikaiju Discussion: a monthly roundtable where previous guests get together and watch a particular movie each month from a long, long list of randomized films. The first film? Godzilla Final Wars (2004).
Discussion Supplemental
Full, mostly unedited Daikaiju Discussion of Godzilla Final Wars (2004)
Episode 14
Another non-fan episode with a buddy of mine named Rob. Daikaiju Discussion: Wrath Of Daimajin (1966)
Episode 15
This episode was nothing but a Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs Gigan (1972) with 6 of my previous guests.
Episode 16
While in San Francisco for Wondercon, August Ragone sat down with me and we discussed Ultra Q. Daikaiju Discussion: Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)
Episode 17
I was a guest at Idaho’s Anime Oasis (in which I felt a little out of place) and while there, I screened Biollante for everyone (legitimately and from a Laserdisc). Daikaiju Discussion: Godzilla vs Biollante (1989)
Episode 18
Crypticon is a Horror convention in Seattle and they asked me to be part of their Godzilla panel along with KL Young, Aron Tarbuck, Jeff Burf & Nick Gucker. Daikaiju Discussion: Gammera The Invincible (1965)
Episode 19
Local horror host, Baron Von Goolo joins me to talk about his local haunted house and their newest Kaiju-themed feature. Daikaiju Discussion: Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster (1967)
Episode 20
Since this was the month that I moved, this was the first episode recorded in the new HQ & Martin Vavra comes back to talk about the experiment so far. Daikaiju Discussion: Rebirth of Mothra 2 (1997)
Episode 21
In a string of “solo” shows, this particular recording asked listeners to submit their thoughts about the Brian Rogers interview about the LP Godzilla. Daikaiju Discussion: Mothra (1961)
Episode 22
Another solo entry, I discuss my disappointment with Death Kappa (2010). Daikaiju Discussion: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1993)
Episode 23
A Thanksgiving episode of sorts – Martin comes back because he had some “burning” topics that he wanted to pick my brain about. Daikaiju Discussion: Gamera 2: Advent of Legion (1996)
Episode 24
The cast of Missing Reel TV (Kurt Lloyd, David Walker & Heather Weise) join me to discuss Godzilla’s place in the history of Grindhouse cinema. Daikaiju Discussion: Gamera vs. Barugon (1966)
*In December of 2010, I made the decision to double my output in 2011, essentially devoting an entire show every month to the Daikaiju Discussions.
Episode 25
IDW Staffers Chris Ryall, Bobby Curnow, Carlos Guzman and Chris Mowry join the Kaijucast to talk about the new IDW comic.
Episode 26
The Daikaiju Discussion for the 1970 Toho production Latitude Zero.
Episode 27
My friends Heather & Justin as another sort of “not-a-fan” Godzilla talk, we touch on the surface of the Kaiju World Wars and additionally I interview Phil Hester, the artist from the first four issues of Godzilla Kingdom Of Monsters.
Episode 28
The Daikaiju Discussion for the 1975 Terror Of Mechagodzilla.
Episode 29
Fans & friends of the show, Bryan and Rachel Cook visited Portland, so we spent some time talking about their favorite Godzilla/Kaiju entries, and the Emerald City Comicon Wrapup with a John Layman (Godzilla Gangsters & Goliaths) interview.
Episode 30
Daikaiju Discussion for the 1973 Godzilla vs Megalon.
Episode 31
A detailed wrapup of San Francisco’s Wondercon with Heather (who is now my co-host of sorts) talking about the IDW panel.
Episode 32
Daikaiju Discussion: Yongary, Monster Of The Deep (1967)
Episode 33
At the Stumptown Comics Fest, I was able to sit down with Eric Powell to talk about his work on the new Godzilla comic.
Episode 34
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla Returns (1984)
Podcasting Supplemental
At a local con (Wonder NW) I was on a Podcasting panel with several other podmasters & this is the audio from that panel. In addition to that, the moderator Rick Emerson, asked myself and Matt of the A Jumps B Shoots podcast to be on his show, Outlook Portland. There are links to the videos on the blog.
Episode 35
Jeff Dean of Horror Holocaust Radio comes back for to talk specifically about Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths’ first issue and other kaiju-related topics.
Episode 36
Daikaiju Discussion for Return of Daimajin (1966)
Episode 37
Superfan and super-artist, Matt Frank joins the ‘Cast through the magic of the internet and we talk about the upcoming G-Fest and his work on the Godzilla comics from IDW.
Episode 38
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla 2000 (1999)
Episode 39
Less about Godzilla and more about a local series of awesome adult events, Heather & I talk with the Mad Marquis De Maltease about the Geeklesque performances. I should note, that there was a Godzilla act in one of the, but for some reason we failed to talk about that.
Episode 40
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera vs. Viras (1968)
Episode 41
It’s definitely a coincidence that Adam Alexander, the creator of The Monster Project, lives here in Portland, but I had a great interview with him discussing that project. If you aren’t familiar with the CD, check out the website.
Episode 42
Daikaiju Discussion for Space Amoeba (1970)
Episode 43
Another Yokai Spooktacular with a Matt Alt (Yokai Attack!) interview recorded in Tokyo & discussing the three original 60s Daiei Yokai trilogy with Heather.
Episode 44
Daikaiju Discussion for Ultraman Gaia: Battle In Hyperspace (1999)
Episode 45
Matt Frank talks about Godzilla Legends & I discuss my recent trip to Japan with Heather & Jeff
Episode 46
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs Mothra (1992)
Episode 47
Live show audio with Bob Johnson, Matt Frank, Jeff Zornow, Miguel Rodriguez & Thomas Matis. Be warned… it’s a 2.5 hour show.
Episode 48
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995)
Episode 49
Bob Johnson, Kevin DeAntonio, Barrie Evans & Butch Portillo talk about growing up with Godzilla in the bay area.
Episode 50
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla x Mothra x MechaGodzilla: Tokyo SOS (2003)
Episode 51
Road trip episode to Seattle with Jeff plus a bonus interview with Chris Mowry of IDW Publishing about his Godzilla Legends issue (#4).
Hope you enjoy them!
Episode 52
Daikaiju Discussion for Destroy All Monsters (1968)
Episode 53
Heather & Kyle talk about a number of topics posed via the Kaijucast facebook page.
Episode 54
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera vs. Guiron (1969)
Episode 55
Emerald City Comic Con Wrapup plus an interview with listeners Andy Campbell & Cody Cook.
Episode 56
Daikaiju Discussion for King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962).
Episode 57
Interview with IDW Godzilla series editor Bobby Curnow.
Episode 58
Daikaiju Discussion for Rebirth Of Mothra (1996).
Episode 59
The LIVE show from Portland’s pop-culture expo, Wonder Northwest.
Episode 60
Daikaiju Discussion for Daimajin (1966)
Episode 61
Live show from G-Fest with Bob Eggleton, Matt Frank & Jeff Zornow
Episode 62
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla (1954) — plus a lot of other topics like SDCC 2012, G-Fest 2012, a Japanese Tokusatsu exhibit and some DVD releases.
Episode 63
An interview recorded with Norman England when I visited Tokyo in 2011.
Episode 64
Daikaiju Discussion for Gorath (1962)
Episode 65
Interview with Bill Janczewski & Frank Woodward from the Men In Suits documentary about their kickstarter project.
Episode 66
Daikaiju Discussion for Rebirth Of Mothra 3 (1998)
Episode 67
Interview with Keith Foster of Big Pimp Jones about their latest release and kickstarter project for Kodoja: Terror Mountain Showdown
Episode 68
Daikaiju Discussion for Son of Godzilla (1967)
Episode 69
Interview with Simon Strange about the kickstarter videogame project, Kaiju Combat
Episode 70
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera The Brave (2006)
Episode 71
Another all-music episode! Don’t be mislead by the title, there’s really only one holiday-themed song in the episode.
Episode 72
Daikaiju Discussion for Frankenstein Conquers The World (1965)
Episode 73
It’s our 2nd annual listener party aka Emergency Broadcast with special guests Edward Holland & Mike Keller from Monster Attack Team Magazine, David Oaks from ToyFreakz & Matt Frank from…well, awesome Godzilla artwork!
Episode 74
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
Episode 75
We asked our facebook fans what they wanted to hear us talk about, the result? This episode!
Episode 76
Daikaiju Discussion for Rodan (1956)
Episode 77
The Akira Takarada panel from G-Fest 2012 (and with Robert Scott Field interpreting!)
Episode 78
Daikaiju Discussion for The Mysterians (1957)
Episode 79
Kyle & Bryan are joined for the entire episode by horror and Godzilla cover artist, Jeff Zornow for this episode
Episode 80
Bonus Episode! Heather and I speak with Paul Guinan & Anina Bennet, the creative powerhouse behind Boilerplate about the upcoming Stumptown Comics Festival.
Episode 81
Daikaiju Discussion for Daikaiju Varan (1958)
Episode 82
Introducing two new members to the Kaijucast crew, Julian and Sean.
Episode 83
Daikaiju Discussion for Ghidorah The Three-Headed Monster (1964)
Episode 84
Heather & Kyle talk with Matt Frank and Chris Mowry about the newest comic series, Godzilla: Rulers Of Earth
Episode 85
Daikaiju Discussion for War Of The Gargantuas (1966)
Episode 86
Bonus Episode! In anticipation of G-Fest XX, Stan Hyde, a friend and Kaiju fan and G-Fest organizer came to visit and this is his episode.
Episode 87
Live G-Fest Podcast with Godzilla suitmaker Shinichi Wakasa, the Millenium series’ Godzilla suit actor Tsutomu Kitagawa with Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah’s M11 (Robert Scott Field) acting as interpreter.
Episode 88
Daikaiju Discussion for Pacific Rim (2013)
Episode 89
Bonus Episode: Godzilla coverage from San Diego Comic Con 2013 with Joshua “EVO” from the Incoductic Podcast
Episode 90
The audio from Crypticon’s Kaiju Control Group panel with Miguel Rodriguez from the Monster Island Resort Podcast, Aron Tarbuck from Seattle’s The Dreaming Comics & Games, and Jeff Dean with Kyle moderating.
Episode 91
Daikaiju Discussion for The Host (2006)
Episode 92
Recorded at Monsterpalooza in April, this is our interview with author of Japan’s Favorite Mon-star: The Unauthorized Biography of the Big G, Steve Ryfle
Episode 93
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)
Episode 94
Dave Filoni, director of Star Wars The Clone Wars talks about his history with Godzilla and one of his favorite behemoths, Mechagodzilla!
Episode 95
Kyle catches up with Ed Godziszewski, publisher of Japanese Giants magazine and all-around awesome uber-fan.
Episode 96
Kyle answers listener questions about his recent visit to Japan.
Episode 97
Daikaiju Discussion for Matango (1963)
Episode 98
Jeff and Kyle discuss the newest developments (Viral marketing & Official Teaser Trailer) with Legendary Pictures’ upcoming Godzilla release.
Episode 99
Daikaiju Discussion for Atragon (1963)
Episode 100
Our 3rd Annual Emergency Broadcast, 5th Anniversary show and the 100th episode spectacular! We spoke with Chris Mowry from IDW Publishing, Trae from the Justice In The Capital Podcast and Andy from Kaiju 101! Obviously, the trivia giveaways were done live.
Episode 101
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera: The Super Monster (1980)
Episode 102
In this Valentine’s Day episode Bryan, Rachel, Lady Kyle and Kyle discuss the a rare topic amongst kaiju discussion: romance in Godzilla films.
Episode 103
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. The Thing / Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964)
Episode 104
Check out the interview with Mr. Godzilla himself, Haruo Nakajima and while we’re at it, Jeff and I talk about the amazing show that was Fear FestEvil.
Episode 105
Bonus episode with John DeSentis & Chris Oglio from the Ifukube & Godzilla: A Musical Celebration kickstarter campaign.
Episode 106
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera vs. Zigra (1971)
Episode 107
Interview with Stuart Galbraith IV, the author of Monsters Are Attacking Tokyo and Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films.
Episode 108
Daikaiju Discussion for Gappa, The Triphibian Monster (1967)
Episode 109
Interview with August Ragone, author of Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters and editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland’s kaiju issues
Episode 110
Kyle, Jeff, Bryan & Rachel went to see a press screening of Godzilla (2014) and recorded their brief thoughts before and after the viewing.
Episode 111
Part one of our Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla (2014)
Episode 112
The second part of our Daikaiju Discussion (the listener homework) for Godzilla (2014)
Episode 113
Big Wow Comic Fest recap and covering the official merchandise released for Godzilla (2014)
Episode 114
Daikaiju Discussion for The X From Outer Space (1967)
Episode 115
LIVE recording of our The Sound Of Monsters podcast at G-Fest XXI with Jim Figurski, Erik Homenick, John DeSentis and Chris Oglio
Episode 117
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera vs. Gyoas (1967)
Episode 118
Interview with Kenpachiro Satsuma, the actor who played Godzilla from 1984 – 1995.
Episode 119
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. Monster Zero (1965)
Episode 120
Bonus Episode with Godzilla fan & Hail To The King photographer, David Eric Dopko
Episode 121
Recapping the Kaijucast’s involvement with 2014’s Rose City Comic Con and the recent trip to Japan to create the independent and crowd funded documentary, Hail to The King: 60 Years Of Destruction
Episode 122
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla X Megaguirus (2000)
Episode 123
Kyle speaks with KAIJU GAIDEN directors Mark Jaramillo and David Hall about their independent documentary and Kickstarter campaign
Episode 124
Daikaiju Discussion for Dogora The Space Monster (1964)
Episode 125
A very special interview from G-Fest XXI with Godzilla special effects director Koichi Kawakita with help from JD Lees and Robert Scott Field.
Episode 126
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla’s Revenge (1969)
Episode 127
Breaking News (as of 12-07) about Toho reviving the King of the Monsters in Japan and more with August Ragone!
Episode 128
Discussion of the big news about Toho making new Godzilla films, plus a tribute to the recently departed Koichi Kawakita.
Episode 129
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (1995)
Episode 130
Our fourth annual LIVE episode, the Emergency Broadcast returned with Monster Kid Radio’s Derek M. Koch, Ifukube 100’s John DeSentis and Japanese guest coordinator (and former owner of Club Daikaiju) Jim Cironella.
Episode 131
Daikaiju Discussion for Ultraman The Next (2004)
Episode 132
The audio from our Kaiju of Pacific Rim panel, held at Rose City Comic Con 2013.
Episode 133
BONUS Episode with Zander Cannon the creator of Oni Press’ upcoming (April 8th) release of Kaijumax.
Episode 134
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)
Episode 135
An interview with the creators of World War Kaiju, Josh Finney, Patrick McEvoy and Kat Rocha.
Episode 136
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera vs. Jiger (1970)
Episode 137
John DeSentis and Chris Oglio are back for another episode to help promote their crowdfunded concert, Symphonic Fury! The Music of Japanese Monsters.
Episode 138
Yak Attack! Gabbin’ ’bout Godzilla! Shooting the sh*t! We need a cool name for these kinds of episode; Jeff, Bryan and Rachel join Kyle for no particular special kaiju agenda and just talk about stuff.
Episode 139
With the recent announcement of Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi helming the next Toho Godzilla film, the Shinjuku Gracery Hotel’s Godzilla head being unveiled and the Godzilla game updates, we had to record a special episode just to talk about it!
Episode 140
Daikaiju Discussion for Death Kappa (2010)
Episode 141
Interview with blogger, Buddhist monk and former Tsuburaya Productions employee Brad Warner.
Episode 142
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla X Mechagodzilla (2002)
Episode 143
Another hang out episode with Jeff, Bryan, Rachel & Kyle… that is all.
Episode 144
Daikaiju Discussion for Big Man Japan (2007)
Episode 145
Lady Kyle and I discuss things I’m excited for before leaving for G-Fest XXII
Episode 146
Remembering Rulers of Earth with Matt Frank & Jeff Zornow recorded live at G-Fest XXII
Episode 147
Daikaiju Discussion for Pulgasari (1985)
Episode 148
Bryan, Rachel and Kyle discuss the kaiju news as of late.
Episode 149
Author August Ragone chats with Kyle about the ongoing legal troubles and the recent flare-up of copyright contention that Tsuburaya Productions (the creators of the Ultra series) is having to go through and what that means to fans.
Episode 150
Bryan, Rachel, Jeff and Kyle sit down for another Yak Attack episode.
Episode 151
Daikaiju Discussion for Monster X Strikes Back / Attack the G8 Summit (2008)
Episode 152
Talking Akira Ifukube with Erik Homenick, the webmaster of the official English language website of the maestro of giant monsters.
Episode 153
Recorded the night before Rose City Comic Con, it’s another Yak Attack, but Kodoja’s writer Keith Foster joins the fray!
Episode 154
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla · Mothra· King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001)
Episode 155
The first episode in a month long celebration of Yokai! Zack Davisson, author of Yurei, joins the Kaijucast for an interview about Japanese ghosts and goblins and his work.
Episode 156
All news episode covering a slew of kaiju news including: Legendary’s Godzilla vs King Kong Announcement, NYCC’s Gamera Announcement and proof-of-concept teaser, Shin Godzilla updates, Pacific Rim 2 updates and Shout Factory’s Gamera Kaiju Marathon.
Episode 157
Daikaiju Discussion for The Great Yokai War (2005)
Episode 158
The live “In Search of Monsters” panel from G-Fest XXII with Mark Jaramillo (Kaiju Gaiden), Yasutomo Yoshida (Jet Jaguar short) and Takayuki Hosonuma (Space Monster Numagirasu).
Episode 159
An explicitly-tagged “Yak Attack” episode recorded and posted while Kyle is in Japan with Rich Eso (Fresh Vinyl Reviews), Jon Bumpus (Skreeonk.com) and David Dopko (DED Photography
Episode 160
Kyle hangs out with Jessica and Chris from the Kaiju Kingdom Podcast to talk about their love of and life with giant rubber monsters and more!
Episode 161
It’s a news episode with Bryan, Rachel and Jeff plus a bonus holiday Yak Attack!
Episode 162
Daikaiju Discussion for King Kong Escapes (1967)
Episode 163
Kyle talks about the kaiju composers of the Showa era and Lady Kyle helps with the news
Episode 164
Daikaiju Discussion for Gamera III: Revenge of Iris (1999)
Episode 165
Our annual Emergency Broadcast with Kyle, Bryan and Rachel, a new voice to the podcast, Charles, and very special guests Ed Holland from Monster Attack Team Magazine, Chris Martinez from The Alder Kings and Night of the Fire Beast and science fiction (and kaiju!) painter Bob Eggleton.
Episode 166
Another (explicit) Yak Attack hangout episode with Sean, Bryan, Rachel, Dave, Jeff, Charles AND Kyle (that’s a lotta yakkers)!
Episode 167
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla (1994) …and yes, it’s almost like two and a half hours.
Episode 168
We return to the Monster Garage with Bob Johnson, Barrie Evans, Kevin Deantonio, Loren “Butch” Portillo and Dell Martinez to discuss trips to Japan and tokusatsu outside of kaiju eiga! Plus Keith Foster joins Kyle for a brief introduction to MONSTER MARCH MADNESS! (see next episode)
Episode 169
Our first coverage of Monster March Madness in which we discuss the first round of eliminations by kaiju battle!
Episode 170
Daikaiju Discussion for Yamato Takeru / Orochi, The Eight-Headed Dragon (1994) plus our second elimination round of Monster March Madness!
Episode 171
Our second full episode of Monster March Madness coverage in which we discuss the first round of eliminations by kaiju battle!
Episode 172
The exciting conclusion of our March Monster Madness tournament!
Episode 173
Rachel, Jeff and Kyle discuss the landslide of Godzilla Resurgence news.
Episode 174
Not-So-Live From G-fest XXII, August Ragone and Kyle discuss the Showa era Gamera classics in the 50 Years of Gamera panel.
Episode 175
Live Panel audio from Monster Mania 30’s Suit Actor panel with Godzilla suit actors Kenpachiro Satsuma (1984-1995), Mizuho Yoshida (2001) and moderated by Jim Cirronella.
Episode 176
Kyle, Martin, Rachel and Charles discuss the avalanche of news since the last news episode.
Episode 177
Daikaiju Discussion for Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna: Warriors of the Star of Light (1998)
Episode 178
Kyle welcomes the creative team behind IDW Publishing’s new title Godzilla Rage Across Time, Matt Frank & Jeremy Robinson
Episode 179
Kyle, Jeff, Rachel and (a new voice to the podcast) Clancy discuss the landslide of news and events related to our favorite giant monsters from Japan.
Episode 180
Daikaiju Discussion for Troll Hunter (2010).
Episode 181
Live podcast from G-FEST XXIII, “Regional Kaiju-ology” with special guests Hiroshi Sagae & Sojiro Uchino, the masterminds behind the amazing project, Gotouchi Kaiju.
Episode 182
A discussion of our viewing of Mothra via the professional jokes of Rifftrax with Kyle, Martin, Clancy and a new voice to the podcast (at least for this episode), Gretchen… plus Miguel Rodriguez pops in to talk about an upcoming film festival!
Episode 183
Daikaiju Discussion for Reptilian (2001)… ugh
Episode 184
LIVE from Rose City Comic Con, it’s our MONSTER ODDITIES OF JAPAN panel!
Episode 185
Daikaiju Discussion for Legend of Dinosaurs & Monster Birds (1977)
Episode 186
It’s a television revolution, baby! And the funk gets heroic in this episode featuring Keith Foster and Kyle diving into a group of awesome hero shows.
Episode 187
Our EPIC Daikaiju Discussion for SHIN GODZILLA (2016)
Episode 188
Godzilla (and other kaiju) suit actor Kenpachiro Satsuma returns to the podcast – recorded during Monster Mania 30 in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Episode 189
Daikaiju Discussion for The Magic Serpent (1966)
Episode 190
It’s a Yak Attack with Bryan and Rachel
Episode 191
Daikaiju Discussion for Dragon Wars: D-War (2007)
Episode 192
The Kaijucast FanVasion field report with the awesome listeners who traveled with me to Tokyo for a week of incredible culture, both historic and pop! Featuring James Thomsen, Jessica Etchells, Mike VVeber, James Yance and Clancy Petersen!
Episode 193
Interview with Godzilla suit actor (from Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack) Mizuho Yoshida – recorded at Monster Mania.
Episode 194
Our 6th Annual Emergency Broadcast with special guests Kyle Byrd & Matt Parmley of the Kaiju Transmissions Podcast, Ed Godzizsewski & Steve Ryfle authors of the upcoming biography of Ishiro Honda and Sean Linkenback author of The Art of Japanese Monsters.
Episode 195
Monster Kid Radio host Derek Koch joins Kyle to discuss the history of the American side of giant monster movies!
Episode 196
Daikaiju Discussion for two short kaiju films, Negadon: Monster from Mars (2005) and Gehara the Dark & Long Haired Monster (2009)
Episode 197
Kyle is joined by Rachel and Gretchen to help celebrate Women’s History Month with a discussion about women in kaiju cinema.
Episode 198
Daikaiju Discussion for Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Episode 199
Suit and stunt actor of legend, Mizuho Yoshida returns to the airwaves – recorded at Monsterpalooza!
Episode 200
Kyle, Clancy and Jeff discuss the incredible trip to Los Angeles for Monsterpalooza
Episode 201
Daikaiju Discussion for Demeking (2009)
Episode 202
Bonus episode with Ed Holland (Monster Attack Team Magazine) & Jorge Marrero (Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine) and the upcoming Famous Monsters Convention.
Episode 203
Kyle, and Gretchen touch on their recent viewing of Colossal (2017) at the Hollywood Theatre, Rachel talks about her new game The Last Guardian which prompts more video game discussion, and Gretchen recalls her recent trip to Tokyo.
Episode 204
Daikaiju Discussion for Cloverfield (2008)
Episode 205
A special (last minute) episode filled with nothing but awesome monsters related music, audio clips and trailers — kinda like a Monster Music Monday (remember those??).
Episode 206
Daikaiju Discussion for Gorgo (1961)
Episode 207
Clancy and Kyle discuss the upcoming G-FEST XXIV!
Episode 208
Bonus episode with Scott Zillner from the upcoming Japan World Heroes convention in Pasasdena, CA
Episode 209
Daikaiju Discussion for Daigoro vs Goliath (1972)
Episode 210
Interview from G-FEST XXIV with special effects director Shinji Higuchi.
Episode 211
Original suit actors Haruo Nakajima (Godzilla) and Bin Furuya (Ultraman) via the “Oh No! There goes Tokyo!” panel audio recorded from 2014’s Fear Fest-Evil in San Francisco, CA.
Episode 212
Daikaiju Discussion for Attack of the Super Monsters (1982)
Episode 213
Recapping the August convention Japan World Heroes with the Tokusatsu Network’s Paula Gaetos
Episode 214
Panel audio with Kyle and Jim Cirronella interviewing Hirofumi Fukuzawa at Japan World Heroes
Episode 215
Daikaiju Discussion for The Last Dinosaur (1977)
Episode 216
Kyle sits down with M1 Ichigo’s Yuji & Michi Nishimura at G-Fest XXIV
Episode 217
Daikaiju Discussion for Deep Sea Monster Raiga (2009)
Episode 218
Kyle, Gretchen and Lady Kyle celebrate Godzilla’s 63rd birthday
Episode 219
Daikaiju Discussion for Ultra Q The Movie: The Legend of the Stars (1990)
Episode 220
Ed Godziszewski and Steve Ryfle, authors of Ishiro Honda: A Life in Film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa, join Kyle for a chat about their and Honda’s work.
Episode 221
Matt Frank returns to tell the listeners of some recent Tokyo adventures, including meeting the legendary kaiju suit maker, Keizo Murase. Kyle and Matt discuss the kickstarter campaign in which Murase-san is involved.
Episode 222
Reptilicus (1961) Daikaiju Discussion and a recap of some kaiju awesomeness in 2017
Episode 223
Kyle sits down with Ultraman suit actor Satoshi “Bin” Furuya about his acting career during his appearance at Japan World Heroes.
Episode 224
Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972)
Episode 225
Kyle discusses his recent work trip to Tokyo with Clancy, Gretchen and Rachel
Episode 226
Our 7th Annual LIVE Emergency Broadcast with Rich Conroy and Pat Rooney (Science Patrol Podcast), Stan Hyde (G-Fest, Facebook Monsterland) and Zander Cannon (Kaijumax)!
Episode 227
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla Planet of the Monsters (2017)
Episode 228
Our panel audio from Rose City Comic Con 2017 entitled “Expanding the Legendary MonsterVerse”
Episode 229
Gretchen, Kyle & Clancy take a look at two monstrous works from visionary director Keita Amemiya, Moon Over Tao (1997) and Iron Warrior Mikazuki (2000)
Episode 230
Daikaiju Discussion for Pacific Rim Uprising (2018)
Episode 231
An interview with Keita Amemiya (Zeiram, Moon Over Tao, Tekkouki Mikazuki) recorded at last year’s Monsterpalooza.
Episode 232
Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Gamera 2 Advent of Legion (1996)
Episode 233
Kaijucast Seattle-ite and friend of the podcast, David Eric Dopko, joins Kyle for a conversation of epic vinyl proportions, as we discuss how we maintain our kaiju toy collection.
Episode 234
Gretchen and Kyle tackle the avalanche of kaiju-related news in the recent months!
Episode 235
Rachel, Gretchen, Jeff, Clancy and Kyle recap their trip to Monsterpalooza 2018.
Episode 236
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)
Episode 237
An episode to hype the upcoming G-Fest 25 with recordings from 2017’s G-Fest with Yuji Kaida, Kazuhhiro Nakagawa and Ryuki Kitaoka
Episode 238
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Wrath of Daimajin (1966)
Episode 239
Clancy and Kyle Recap their trip the annual gathering of the Kaiju Fiends to G-Fest for the convention’s 25th show!
Episode 240
Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle (2018)
Episode 241
Interview Panel from G-FEST 25 with Showa-era kaiju suit-maker Keizo Murase with interpretation by Robert Scott Field (Android M-11)
Episode 242
Interview Panel from G-FEST 25 with Godzilla suit actor Kenpachiro Satsuma with interpretation by Robert Scott Field (Android M-11)
Episode 243
Interview Panel from G-FEST 25 with Miki Saegusa actress Megumi Odaka with interpretation by Robert Scott Field (Android M-11)
Episode 244
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989)
Episode 245
Live recording from Rose City Comic Con 2018 of the Kaijucast’s “How Godzilla Got His Groove Back” Panel
Episode 246
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Terror of Mechagodzilla with special guests Steve Ryfle and Ed Godziszewski
Episode 247
A roundtable chat about horror in kaiju cinema, plus a brief chat with Ultraman screenwriter Chiaki J Konaka
Episode 248
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Godzilla Final Wars (2004)
Episode 249
Interview from Monsterpalooza 2018 with Godzilla Suit Actor Tsutomu “Tom” Kitagawa
Episode 250
Our Daikaiju Re-Discussion for Godzilla vs Megalon (1973)
Episode 251
A special episode with Godzilla artist Shinji Nishikawa!
Episode 252
Kyle recaps his most recent experience at the DNA of Tokusatsu exhibition in Kamata ward of Tokyo, Japan
Episode 253
Our 8th annual live Emergency Broadcast with Kevin Derendorf (Maser Patrol), Ed Holland (MAT Magazine) and Matt Frank (Redman) and a whole lot more – enjoy this 3 hour 14 minute episode!
Episode 254
A special episode recorded in Japan during Kyle’s vacation trip with David Eric Dopko
Episode 255
David Dopko and Kyle recap the last half of their Japan vacation from earlier in the month with their time in Tokyo and a visit to Sukugawa City’s Eiji Tsuburaya Museum
Episode 256
Our Daikaiju Discussion for Godzilla The Planet Eater (2018)
Episode 257
Interview with kaiju fan and Mondo artist Tom Whalen
Episode 258
Our deep dive into some episodes of ULTRA Q with special guests August Ragone and Derek Koch of Monster Kid Radio!
Episode 259
The Kaijucast Crew gets schooled by Jim Cirronella on the production details of Reptilicus!
Episode 260
Our deep dive into some episodes of ULTRAMAN with special guest August Ragone and a cadre of cohosts for the episode discussion!
Episode 261
Gretchen and Kyle check out the Netflix anime series, Ultraman (2019)
Episode 262
Gretchan, Rachel and Kyle talk about the news leading up to Godzilla King of the Monsters (Spoiler Free!)
Episode 263
Gretch and Kyle cover all the G-Fest prep we’re doing!
Episode 264
Our final Daikaiju Discussion and it’s for Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)!
Episode 265
Our 10th Anniversary Talk Show panel from G-Fest 26 with special guests Daisuke Sato and Sonoe Nakajima – plus a wrap-up with Gretchen after the panel audio!
Episode 266
Panel interview with Godzilla co-star and classmate, Akira Takarada – recorded live at G-Fest 26!
Episode 267
Panel interview with Heisei Gamera and GMK director Shusuke Kaneko – recorded live at G-Fest 26!
Episode 268
It’s a mini-episode with Bob Johnson to talk about the amazing Godzilla Fest happening in San Francisco in August
Episode 269
Panel interview with master modeler, sculptor and diorama builder Takuji Yamada and Stan Hyde – recorded live at G-Fest 26!
Episode 270
Another Kaiju news roundup!
Episode 271
Interview with Godzilla King of the Monsters director Michael Dougherty, recorded during Godzilla Fest in San Francisco
Episode 272
Interview with Godzilla King of the Monsters Godzilla motion capture actor TJ Storm, recorded during Godzilla Fest in San Francisco
Episode 273
From 2019’s Rose City Comic Con, this episode features the panel audio from our presentation: Release the Kaiju
Episode 274
Kyle sits down with friend, Scifi Japan editor and so much more, Keith Aiken
Episode 275
Kyle sits down with the director of Godzilla x Megaguirus (2000), Godzilla x Mechagodzilla (2002) & Godzilla x Mothra x Mechagodzilla Tokyo SOS (2003), Masaaki Tezuka
Episode 276
Our final YOKAI SPOOKTACULAR episode with an interview recorded at Rose City Comic Con with Zack Davisson
Episode 277
A short episode recorded at the Godzilla 65th Birthday Festival in Tokyo, Japan
Episode 278
Clancy and Kyle recap their time in Tokyo, Japan with the 2019 Kaijucast FanVasion!
Episode 279
The Kaijucast Finale: A yak attack style episode with just about ALL of the Kaijucast Cohosts from our ten years of podcasting!
Kyle rallies the kaijucast crew for a special live streamed VIDEO Daikaiju Discussion for the Monsterverse finale(??) Godzilla vs Kong!